Job Sermon 12 years ago Suffering "You've got the patience of Job." People have tossed that phrase around for years, but few truly understand its meaning. Job was a righteous man who endured tremendous calamity, due…
1 Corinthians 6:1-8 / Don't You Know? Sermon 13 years ago Faith Mental Health Redemption Sexuality Suffering Paul reminds the Corinthians that they represent something bigger than themselves, and that their lives are to reflect a glory that is bigger than their own. Yet when defrauded, they…
1 Corinthians 4:14-21 / Tough Love Sermon 13 years ago Fatherhood Kids Shame Suffering Loving people isn’t about telling them what they want to hear; it’s telling them what they need to hear – in a spirit of gentleness. Paul writes tough words of…
1 Corinthians 4:1-13 / What Did You Expect? Sermon 13 years ago Faith Gospel Money Serving Suffering For many, faith in Christ comes with a myriad of expectations. Some of these are driven by a healthy understanding of the scriptures, yet others are propelled by a worldly…
Jonah 2:1-3:3 / I am Jonah - Repentance Sermon 14 years ago Depression Grace Idolatry Prayer Purpose Serving Suffering Our disobedience always hurts other people and always comes at great personal cost. Yet even in our disobedience, God will accomplish his will. God’s calling transcends our personal preference. You…
Hope in Suffering / Revelation 1:4-8 Sermon 20 years ago Hope Suffering Sermon on hope in suffering in Revelation 1