Feeding the 5000 Sermon 9 months ago Faith Grace Redemption Theologically, meals are significant. The Bible begins and ends with a meal, starting with the tragic eating of fruit and ending with the redeeming marriage supper of the lamb. This summer, we…
When the Ungodly Prosper Sermon 9 months ago Faith Jude compels readers to persevere in the truth even when the ungodly prosper more than the godly. He also admonishes becoming like the ungodly through grumbling and complaining as the…
Contending for the Faith Sermon 10 months ago Faith What issues are the most important to our faith, and what issues can we disagree on as believers? The Book of Jude compels readers to contend for the faith in…
An Overview of Jude Sermon 10 months ago Faith Society/Culture Jude, believed to be Jesus's half-brother, is writing a message of judgment to people who are not truly believers. The book of Jude exposes false teaching and compels readers to…
JudeContending for the Faith Sermon Series 10 months ago Faith Society/Culture The book of Jude exposes false teaching and compels readers to contend for the faith in light of false teachers. We must be faithful to the truth, and that faithfulness…
Joy Sermon one year ago Faith Peace Advent is an opportunity to rejoice in Jesus' arrival and to rejoice in the promises of God. Unlike happiness, joy is not dependent on circumstance. As we look back on…
Sharing Your Story Sermon one year ago Faith We’re studying together 8 Foundational practices essential to pursuing ongoing health and wholeness in our relationship with Christ. These practices are not meant to be legalistic or spiritual checkboxes, but…
The Road to Emmaus Sermon one year ago Faith On the road to Emmaus, we see who Jesus is and what he came to do. It shows us that we can't see Jesus for who he is until God…
Spiritual Drift Sermon one year ago Faith Sexuality Society/Culture After conquering the land, the eastern tribes return home and build an altar. The rest of Israel assumes the worst and rallies in war against their brothers and sisters to…
Encounters with Jesus Sermon Series one year ago Faith Gospel Healing Hope Embracing the Gospel happens at a point in time and over time. This summer, we are examining encounters with Jesus and how they changed the people and situations around him. …
The Northern Conquest & A God Who Saves Sermon one year ago Faith Joshua waged war for a long time as he was faithful to God's commands. From the northern conquest, we see that it's not the knowledge of God that transforms but…