Feeding the 5000 Sermon 9 months ago Faith Grace Redemption Theologically, meals are significant. The Bible begins and ends with a meal, starting with the tragic eating of fruit and ending with the redeeming marriage supper of the lamb. This summer, we…
Walking in Light Sermon one year ago Redemption John often refers to Jesus as light, and as followers of God, we are called to walk in the light. So how do we do that? By confessing our sins…
Experiencing Ongoing Freedom Sermon one year ago Redemption God loves you and wants to give you freedom. Experiencing that freedom from sin and suffering is a key foundational practice to a healthy spiritual life.
The Shaping of Simon Peter Sermon one year ago Anger Grace Redemption When Simon encounters Jesus, everything changes, including his name. Through his encounter, we see Jesus's grace and patience in shaping us as Christians, just as he shaped Peter into a…
Victory at Ai Sermon one year ago Bible Redemption The Christian walk is not a linear upward trajectory. So how do we handle spiritual failure? The Israelites experienced spiritual failure when they were defeated at Ai. Before they try…
Rahab & the Spies Sermon 2 years ago Faith Redemption Rahab is a redeemed harlot, transformed over time and saved by faith. When we look closer, her story is our story. You don't need to know much about Jesus to…
Who Is My Mother? Who Are My Brothers? Sermon 2 years ago Adoption Redemption Relationships Why are questions important in the Jewish context? This summer, we are examining why Jesus asked what he asked and what it revealed about the people and situations around him. …
Why Don't You Notice The Log In Your Eye? Sermon 2 years ago Pride Redemption Many misquote Matthew 7:1-5 as a way to skirt responsibility. However, when Jesus asks the question “Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not…
Who Touched My Clothes? Sermon 2 years ago Gospel Redemption Suffering We each have our own burdens. When Jesus asks the question "Who touched my clothes?" we see that he responds to pain and suffering with compassion.
Do You Love Me? Sermon 2 years ago Doubt Grace Redemption Jesus asks Peter "Do you love me?" three times, redeeming the three times that Peter denied Jesus. Jesus asks a simple and searching question to restore relationship and purpose.
Judah's Blessing Sermon 3 years ago Faith Leadership Redemption Relationships In Jacob's final words to his sons, what he says to Judah stands out. Judah's life reveals that even a person steeped in depravity can turn to God to experience…
Reunion & Reconciliation Sermon 3 years ago Redemption Relationships The family reconciliation continues as Joseph and his father Jacob are reunited after 22 years of separation. W e, too, await a great reunion with an even greater Heavenly Father…