Survival Tips for Sudden Loss of Freedom Article 4 years ago Covid Grief/Loss Mental Health Suffering If you stop and think about it, life is all about change and how you adapt to it. You change your clothes daily; you change your bedsheets less often and…
The Suffering of Jesus | Matthew 16:21-28 Sermon 5 years ago Suffering Following up on His question "Who do you say that I am," Jesus foretells His death and resurrection. He then tries to make his disciples understand what true discipleship is.…
Hope in Death, Sobriety in Life / 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Grief/Loss Hope Mental Health Missions Suffering Due to a lack of understanding in their eschatology, the Thessalonians were discouraged and possibly even immobilized in their faith as additional grief set in after the death of one…
The Raising of Lazarus / John 11:1-44 Sermon 7 years ago Anger Grief/Loss Mental Health Suffering The story of Lazarus shows us how the Bible captures raw human emotion by letting us look through the lens of two hurting and grieving sisters, who love Jesus and…
Living Out God’s Calling / Exodus 2:23-4:31 Sermon 8 years ago Hope Purpose Redemption Suffering When Moses was in the wilderness, he likely felt like he had been forsaken. Yet he was right were God wanted him to be. Even in the wilderness, God was…
If Life Were a Road Trip: Lessons From a Season of Trial Article 8 years ago Grief/Loss Healing Mental Health Suffering If life were a road trip, it would be windy and at times treacherous. Cancer, surgeries, recovery, radiation, seizures, scans, toddler tantrums, death, mourning and heartache have all been stops…
The Appeal of the Easy Way Out Article 8 years ago Fear/Anxiety Suffering I have a love/hate relationship with hiking. While I love being out in nature and the fresh mountain air, there’s usually a point where I ask myself, “Why did I…
This Is All That Matters Article 8 years ago Fatherhood Grief/Loss Mental Health Motherhood Parenting Relationships Suffering It has been six months since my father died. His name was James Gary Winter, and he died on December 12, 2015, 40 days after he was diagnosed with Stage…
Closer Than I Know Article 8 years ago Fatherhood Grief/Loss Mental Health Parenting Prayer Suffering “You should come back. He is passing away.” As I ended the phone call with my dad’s hospice nurse, I knew nothing in my life would ever be the same…
The Tension of Joy and Pain Article 8 years ago Grief/Loss Kids Mental Health Parenting Suffering Our son died on April 7, 1979. Kyle’s death was totally unforeseen. Never in my life would I have thought Kyle’s time on earth would last for only five and…
Is My Infertility a Punishment? Article 8 years ago Gospel Suffering This is the blog post I never wanted to write and the words I never wanted to say. Probably the biggest lie I have had to wrestle to the ground…
The True Grace of God / 1 Peter 5:8-14 Sermon 8 years ago Faith Gospel Grace Suffering Some have asked, “How can a loving God allow suffering?” What if the answer is, “Because He is a loving God”? As Peter wraps up this letter, he reminds his…