Whoever Does the Father’s Will / Matthew 12:38-50 Sermon 5 years ago Fatherhood Gospel Healing Motherhood Purpose Race Society/Culture After hearing about and witnessing several miracles He had done, the religious people asked for a sign from Jesus. Time after time, Jesus demonstrated authority and told them who He…
A Theology of Marriage / Mark 10:1-12; Ephesians 5:31-32 Sermon 7 years ago Fatherhood Gospel Marriage Men Motherhood Parenting Relationships Sexuality Women It seems the idea of marriage has become more confusing in our culture than ever before. More and more couples are choosing to avoid marriage altogether because they no longer…
A Date With Dad Article 7 years ago Fatherhood Kids Parenting Relationships The other day I made plans with my middle daughter, Eden, to go on a coffee date, just her and I. I was very excited, even giddy, to get to…
Healing of the Official's Son / John 4:43-54 Sermon 7 years ago Fatherhood Healing Kids Parenting The second miracle Jesus performed was the healing of a royal official's son from a would-be fatal illness. John recorded this event, where Jesus spoke a word in Cana and…
Orphan Care / Galatians 3:29-4:7 Sermon 8 years ago Adoption Fatherhood Gospel Grace Parenting The idea of orphan care and adoption is at the very center of our Christian theology. Our very testimonies reflect the love and mercy of our heavenly Father who stepped…
This Is All That Matters Article 8 years ago Fatherhood Grief/Loss Mental Health Motherhood Parenting Relationships Suffering It has been six months since my father died. His name was James Gary Winter, and he died on December 12, 2015, 40 days after he was diagnosed with Stage…
Closer Than I Know Article 8 years ago Fatherhood Grief/Loss Mental Health Parenting Prayer Suffering “You should come back. He is passing away.” As I ended the phone call with my dad’s hospice nurse, I knew nothing in my life would ever be the same…
How to Spot a Godly Man Article 9 years ago Fatherhood Relationships I think about my girls dating and I seriously panic! It freaks me out, to be honest, but it’s inevitable. Unfortunately, since arranged marriages aren’t really part of our culture…
My Paradigm Shift: Daddy's Girl Article 9 years ago Abuse Fatherhood Kids Motherhood Relationships Father of the fatherless…is God in his holy habitation. – Psalm 68:5 Perspectives change throughout our lifetime. However, some changes God generates within us are everlasting. The first huge change…
My Greatest Desire as a Father Article 9 years ago Fatherhood Kids Parenting Relationships Growing up as a dude who was a bit of a relational addict – who always had a girlfriend – and now having been in ministry on the counseling end…
Love First Love: Be Subject / Ephesians 5:22-6:9 Sermon 10 years ago Fatherhood Kids Leadership Marriage Motherhood Parenting Relationships The key to understanding these verses is to recognize them within a broader context. We are called to be subject to one another in the fear of Christ. But what…
The Well at Woodward: Father's Day Sermon 11 years ago Fatherhood Men God has given men the opportunity to show the younger people around us what manhood is as we pour ourselves into the younger people around us. And they are hungry…