The Uniqueness of Christ / Colossians 1:15-23 Sermon 8 years ago Faith Gospel Hope This section of Scripture gives a strong Christology message, providing us with a better understanding of the uniqueness of Christ, which then gives us a better understanding of the uniqueness…
Are You a Peter or a Paul? Article 8 years ago Faith Gospel Hope When I first came to know Christ I was obsessed with the Apostle Paul. Reading through the book of Acts and his conversion experience in chapter 9 reminded me of…
Everything We Need / 2 Peter 1:1-4 Sermon 8 years ago Faith Gospel Grace Hope Peace With only months, if not weeks, before his impending execution under the emperor Nero, the Apostle Peter writes for a second and final time to Christians scattered all over Asia…
A Theology of Suffering / 1 Peter 4:12-19 Sermon 8 years ago Discipleship Gospel Hope As Christians in the West, the idea of being persecuted for our faith – especially to the point of death – can seem very foreign. Even for believers in the…
Suffering for the Sake of God and Others / 1 Peter 3:8-22 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Hope Peace Prayer Suffering Many of us know we are to be a blessing to those who mistreat us. But what does that really look like? And why is it so important that we…
Answering the Most Often-Asked Questions About ChristianityYear 2, Semester 2 Semester 9 years ago Bible Evangelism Faith Hope Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through a discussion of the most often-asked questions about Christianity, helping you respond to what your friends and family want to know about your…
Connect With People Like a Genius Article 9 years ago Gospel Hope Relationships In 1 Corinthians 9:20-23, Paul writes: To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the…
Jesus and the Jewish Council / Mark 14:43-15:15 Sermon 9 years ago Gospel Hope This passage portrays the betrayal, arrest and trial of Jesus, and finishes with Peter’s denial. Judas was commissioned to betray Him, and even His closest of disciples reject knowing Him…
Things to Come / Mark 13:1-37 Sermon 9 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Suffering In this passage, Jesus begins teaching and preparing His disciples concerning future events (both near and distant) that will occur. Some of these events are painful realities, such as the…
The Higher Value of Mission / Romans 15:1-13 Sermon 10 years ago Gospel Hope Missions Peace Worship As he wraps up his thoughts on navigating through the gray areas of the Christian life, Paul reminds us of the common motivation we all have no matter where we…
Suffering and the Sovereignty of God / Romans 8:16-39 Sermon 10 years ago Hope Prayer Purpose Redemption Throughout our study of Romans we've seen how the gospel has saved us from the penalty of sin and how it's currently saving us from the power of sin. But…
Faith in Christ Alone / Romans 4:1-25 Sermon 10 years ago Faith Grace Hope Justification by faith is a crucial theological truth packed full of real life implications. Based on the finished work of Jesus Christ we are declared righteous. And this is all…