Preach The Word & Disciple Others Sermon 2 years ago Bible Discipleship Evangelism Gospel As Paul reminisces on what it looks like to live a faithful life in his final epistle to Timothy, he reflects on discipleship and evangelism. A life worthy of being…
The Great Commission Sermon 4 years ago Discipleship Evangelism Gospel Possibly one of the most overquoted yet under-lived passages in scripture, the Great Commission is the pinnacle of the bible in terms of what we as disciples are to do…
Answering the Most Often-Asked Questions About ChristianityYear 2, Semester 2 Semester 9 years ago Bible Evangelism Faith Hope Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through a discussion of the most often-asked questions about Christianity, helping you respond to what your friends and family want to know about your…
Are You Ready? Article 9 years ago Evangelism Gospel Are you ready? I mean really ready? I think all of us would like to think we are. I think if you call yourself a Christian, you want to believe…
Has Your Faith Lost Its Passion? Article 9 years ago Evangelism Faith Gospel Society/Culture On Halloween my wife and I had an interesting moment as we heard this really creepy, kind of scratchy voice whispering something as he headed toward our door. So I…
Evangelism / Romans 10:13-15 / Acts 1:8 Sermon 9 years ago Evangelism Gospel In the book of Acts, we see a radical shift take place in the disciples' willingness to go public with their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout…
My Paradigm Shift: From Scandalous to Evangelist Article 9 years ago Evangelism I can remember my very first visit to The Well. A church full of young college kids that someone had the courage to invite me to. And out of my…
Theological Truths of the BibleYear 1, Semester 2 Semester 10 years ago Bible Evangelism Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through the primary teachings of the Bible. As a student, you will see why these teachings are important to your daily living and how…
Answering the Most Often-Asked Questions About ChristianityYear 2, Semester 2 Semester 12 years ago Bible Evangelism Faith Hope Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through a discussion of the most often-asked questions about Christianity, helping you respond to what your friends and family want to know about your…
The Dreaded "E" Word Article 12 years ago Community Evangelism Evangelism… the dreaded "E" word. Evangelism is a word that is heavy and often guilt-ridden. What picture comes to your mind when you think of 'evangelism'? Do you picture a…
Theological Truths of the BibleYear 1, Semester 2 Semester 13 years ago Bible Evangelism Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through the primary teachings of the Bible. As a student, you will see why these teachings are important to your daily living and how…
New Evangelism - Living with a Sence of Personal Mission Video/Audio 16 years ago Evangelism New Evangelism - Living with a Sence of Personal Mission by Don Simmons on February 28, 2009