Love First Love: One / Ephesians 4:1-6 Sermon 10 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Peace Purpose After spending the first three chapters of Ephesians focusing on the Christian's position in Christ and the calling that the church has received through the person and work of Christ…
When We (Try) to Not Grow Weary in Doing Good Article 11 years ago Faith Hope Can I be honest with you? 99% of the "feedback" pastors receive is negative. When I started working at a church, I had no idea. I'm not trolling for them…
Joshua / Judges / Ruth Sermon 12 years ago Hope Redemption This week we embark on a three-book journey through Joshua, Judges and Ruth. As the deliverer (Moses) fades into the pages of history, a new leader rises in Joshua to…
Answering the Most Often-Asked Questions About ChristianityYear 2, Semester 2 Semester 12 years ago Bible Evangelism Faith Hope Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through a discussion of the most often-asked questions about Christianity, helping you respond to what your friends and family want to know about your…
1 Corinthians 15:1-22 / The Hope of the Resurrection Sermon 12 years ago Faith Gospel Grace Hope We have learned through Paul’s letter to the Corinthians that the most important thing a Christian does is love. Now Paul explains that the most important thing a Christian believes…
1 Corinthians 13:8-13 / The Abiding Nature of Love Sermon 12 years ago Faith Hope Kids Relationships As Paul continues the discussion of spiritual gifts, he makes it clear in chapter 13 that we must operate out of love for others. The goal in our relationships is…
1 Corinthians 12:31-13:8 / The Enduring Nature of Love Sermon 12 years ago Faith Hope "And I will show you a still more excellent way." What is there to be sought above prophecy, apostleship, teaching, tongues, healing, and the other spiritual gifts? Shouldn't we be…
How to Flee Sexual Immorality Article 13 years ago Hope Sexuality I'm proud to be a part of a church that will deal with biblical texts head on. Today was one of those days as Brad took a familiar text and…
1 Corinthians Overview Sermon 13 years ago Hope Relationships A strategic location, a thriving city, a passionate people, and a compromised church. The church at Corinth had tremendous opportunity, yet was morally asleep. The people were full of internal…
Matthew 14:13-21 / Sacrificially Generous, Intentional Blessing Sermon 13 years ago Community Generosity Healing Hope Money Peace What do you do with the time, talent and treasure that God has given you? How can you be a good steward with the things He has provided to you?…
Jonah 1:3-17 / I am Jonah - Obedience Sermon 14 years ago Fear/Anxiety Hope Missions Purpose Redemption We have all come to the crossroads of major decisions in life. You may entertain the idea of running away from your calling or choose to fulfill it. Jonah could…
Hope in Suffering / Revelation 1:4-8 Sermon 20 years ago Hope Suffering Sermon on hope in suffering in Revelation 1