Developing A Biblical WorldviewYear 3, Semester 2 Semester 11 years ago Bible Purpose Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through six fundamental questions every person wrestles with and answers in the course of life. The way you answer these questions shapes the way…
I Am the Door / John 10:1-10 Sermon 11 years ago Leadership Purpose Claiming to be a door may not seem significant in our day and age. It might even get you labeled insane. But this was not the case for first century…
Ephesians 2:10, 4:11-13; Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 9:13 / In Every Neighborhood Sermon 12 years ago Missions Purpose What does it mean to be the church? We will take a look at the final portion of our mission as followers of Christ: "Helping people connect to God and…
1 Corinthians 7:17-24 / Living Out God's Calling...Right Now Sermon 12 years ago Purpose Paul reminds the Corinthian church – and us – that God's call in our lives is not so much what we end up doing, but who we are and who…
1 Corinthians 5:2-13 / Dealing with Immorality Part 2 Sermon 13 years ago Bible Purpose Sexuality What is the Church's responsibility regarding sin among us? How do we deal with a so-called Christian who lives a life of disobedience? Some have started "inquisitions" while others have…
1 Corinthians 1:1:9 Sermon 13 years ago Faith Grace Purpose As followers of Christ, we are saints because we are called by God, not because of what we do. It is not about us; it is about what He does…
What is our calling or vocation? Article 13 years ago Generosity Purpose For one of my masters classes we watched a video that I thought was worth sharing. As we talked a couple of weeks ago about understanding what it means to…
Humbly Submitted Sermon 13 years ago Purpose What does it mean to follow Christ? And what is the cost? The core of the spiritual life and the key to authentic spiritual formation is the heart. Very few…
Luke 10:25-37 / Good Samaritan Sermon 13 years ago Faith Purpose Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind. And love your neighbor as yourself. But who is your neighbor? Jesus answers this question with a…
Luke 19:11-27 / Why Are We Here? Sermon 13 years ago Faith Purpose Redemption Serving Why are we here? Jesus tells the parable of the minas, explaining His purpose for us on earth. Jesus has redeemed His church, equipped His followers with the Holy Spirit…
I Am Jonah / Conforming Video/Audio 13 years ago Purpose Jonah came to a crossroads in his life where he had to decide whether to obey God's calling, or run away from it. The woman in this video finds herself…
Jonah 2:1-3:3 / I am Jonah - Repentance Sermon 14 years ago Depression Grace Idolatry Prayer Purpose Serving Suffering Our disobedience always hurts other people and always comes at great personal cost. Yet even in our disobedience, God will accomplish his will. God’s calling transcends our personal preference. You…