What Kind of Man Is This? / Matthew 9:1-13 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Healing Purpose After seeing Jesus perform many miracles, not only are the disciples still unclear about who Jesus is, the religious people are as well. As He forgives sins, heals the sick…
A Heart That Honors the King / Matthew 7:12-29 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Purpose Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has spoken as one who has authority, continually coming back to the heart and pushing on the hypocrisy of people whose internal and…
Our Good Father / Matthew 7:7-11 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Kids Parenting Prayer Purpose Relationships During the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus has continually admonished us to examine our hearts. In this passage, He shows us the heart of our heavenly Father and how much…
Judging Others / Matthew 7:1-6 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Purpose Many have taken this passage to mean people should never judge others, and while non-believers are not held to the same standards, believers are called to speak truth in love…
Anchoring Our Hearts to Him / Matthew 6:25-34 Sermon 6 years ago Fear/Anxiety Gospel Mental Health Money Purpose When our eyes move to the things of this world, our hearts follow. When our hearts begin to drift away from God to the things of this world, anxiety comes…
What Do You Treasure? / Matthew 6:19-24 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Money Purpose Serving Whatever demands our heart and whatever we desire will be what we are devoted to and ultimately serve. As Christ-followers we like to say we value God, but our actions…
The Motives of the Heart / Matthew 6:1-18 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Money Prayer Purpose In this passage, Jesus is admonishing His followers to live differently than the religious hypocrites. He teaches about prayer, fasting and giving, and the importance of our hearts being congruent…
Living Under the Authority of the King / Matthew 5:38-48 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Purpose Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount, speaking about promises, vengeance and loving our enemies. Throughout the various subjects, He continually points to living under the authority of the King…
The Sin Beneath the Symptoms / Matthew 5:27-37 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Marriage Purpose Relationships In this message we will look at how Jesus reinterprets Mosaic Law and ups the ante for what the life of a true follower of God looks like. The law…
Salt, Light and Law / Matthew 5:13-26 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Purpose Jesus didn’t come to abolish the law as if it doesn’t matter. He came to fulfill the law. If we are not living in obedience, it’s not a matter of…
The Beatitudes / Matthew 5:1-12 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Purpose At the time Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount, there was much discord in Israel, with four primary religious groups that were trying to establish their authority: the Pharisees…
The Calling of the Disciples / Matthew 4:12-25 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Purpose After His victorious confrontation with the devil in the Judean wilderness, Jesus heads north to Galilee, setting up His base of operations for ministry in the city of Capernaum. In…