Weekly Sermons

Sermon on the MountThe Gospel of Matthew

The Sin Beneath the Symptoms / Matthew 5:27-37

January 6, 2019
Mike Slayden

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This sermon was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

In this message we will look at how Jesus reinterprets Mosaic Law and ups the ante for what the life of a true follower of God looks like. The law was never meant to be obeyed mindlessly to check a box or appear good to others. Instead, Jesus changes the focus from the external behavior to the heart, looking at the internal disease we all share that causes the external symptoms we see. As we look at our own lives, may we be a people who are honest, willing to identify the sin in our lives and radically attack it at a root level in order to uproot it and follow Him with our whole hearts.


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