Intentional Blessing - Serve Dei Article 12 years ago Serving As our relationship with Jesus Christ develops we are shaped by being humbly submitted to Him and allowing the Bible to form our lives. Looking at the Anatomy of a…
1 Corinthians 7:1-5 / Your Marital Duty Sermon 12 years ago Marriage Prayer Relationships Serving Sexuality God’s design was one man with one woman for life as the ideal expression of both the image of God, as well as sexual fulfillment for a man and a…
1 Corinthians 4:1-13 / What Did You Expect? Sermon 13 years ago Faith Gospel Money Serving Suffering For many, faith in Christ comes with a myriad of expectations. Some of these are driven by a healthy understanding of the scriptures, yet others are propelled by a worldly…
State of the Church - Life Change Stories Story 13 years ago God Stories Missions Serving Students Watch interviews of people who have been impacted by the different ministries at The Well.
Serve Dei Recap Sermon 13 years ago God Stories Serving Stories from this Serve Dei season: The good, the challenging, the frustrating and the fun.
Matthew 14:13-21 / Serve Dei Sermon 13 years ago Community Generosity God Stories Money Serving This year’s journey at The Well is moving our hearts from a “Day” of service to a lifestyle of service for “Dei,” which is Latin for God. Instead of an…
Luke 19:11-27 / Why Are We Here? Sermon 13 years ago Faith Purpose Redemption Serving Why are we here? Jesus tells the parable of the minas, explaining His purpose for us on earth. Jesus has redeemed His church, equipped His followers with the Holy Spirit…
Jonah 2:1-3:3 / I am Jonah - Repentance Sermon 14 years ago Depression Grace Idolatry Prayer Purpose Serving Suffering Our disobedience always hurts other people and always comes at great personal cost. Yet even in our disobedience, God will accomplish his will. God’s calling transcends our personal preference. You…
Jonah 1:1-2 / I am Jonah - Introduction Sermon 14 years ago Kids Purpose Serving Jonah is often seen as a children's story. But the reality is that it is a true story by a real person, the Israeli prophet Jonah. The history and culture…