Life Change Story of Marriage: Bob Story 11 years ago God Stories Marriage After finally succeeding and reaching the "American Dream," Bob loses it all and learns what's most important in life: his family and a relationship with Jesus Christ. Watch Part 2…
The Great Pot Incident of 2011 Article 11 years ago Marriage Relationships *Photo by Emik and Yana Nikora of iDrop Photo The first big argument my husband Andrew and I had was whether or not to buy a complete set of pots…
1 Corinthians 11:2-16 / The Controversy of Head Coverings Sermon 12 years ago Leadership Marriage Men Prayer Relationships Women Worship God established roles for men and women in the church and in marriage to provide order and structure for the outworking of His glory among us. These God-ordained roles of…
Working Not Waiting Article 12 years ago Marriage Relationships I grew up in the “true love waits” generation. I read Lady in Waiting and every other book a proper young lady was supposed to. The theme constantly communicated to…
1 Corinthians 7:12-16 / To The Rest... Sermon 12 years ago Marriage Peace Relationships ..In verse 12, Paul says, “and now to the rest,” and he seems to be dealing with those who were married and then come to faith in Jesus Christ later.…
1 Corinthians 7:6-11 / Don’t Play Games with God Sermon 12 years ago Marriage Relationships Society/Culture In a broken world where we are all broken people, what is God’s best for you wherever you are now? What if you are single and you are content being…
1 Corinthians 7:1-5 / Your Marital Duty Sermon 12 years ago Marriage Prayer Relationships Serving Sexuality God’s design was one man with one woman for life as the ideal expression of both the image of God, as well as sexual fulfillment for a man and a…
Thoughts from the Study - 1Cor 7:1-5 - Sexuality in Marriage Article 12 years ago Marriage Relationships Sexuality Here are a few thoughts in prep for 1Cor 7:1-5. As we continue our journey through the filth of Corinth, we are reminded that as deviant as they were, we…
1 Corinthians 6:12-20 / Everyone Else is Doing It Sermon 13 years ago Marriage Relationships Sexuality Living as a follower of Christ in Corinth was an arduous task. The cultural influence of immorality of the culture around them oftentimes caused the church to live in a…
What is Love? Article 13 years ago Marriage Relationships What is Love? Tis the question we often ask as we enter the month of February and remember that Valentine’s Day is peering around the corner. Retail stores are filled…
1 Corinthians 5:1-2 / When In Rome Sermon 13 years ago Addiction Marriage Relationships Sexuality Where does immorality come from and why is it such a vice for so many? This issue of immorality has completely infiltrated the church and has compromised our holiness, thus…
Malachi 2:10-2:17 / The Roots of Marriage Sermon 13 years ago Faith Grace Marriage Relationships Worship The prophet Malachi has some strong words about protecting and guarding marriage. God equates the institution of marriage and its roles to that of Christ and the church. Marriage is…