Michelle Saladino - Dependence on Alcohol, Self Reliance, Pride Story one year ago Addiction Pride Michelle shares her story of chasing after all the things the world has to offer just to find her heart wanting. She turned to the Lord and has looked to…
Dave Obwald - Pornography Use, People Pleasing, Fear Story one year ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Idolatry This is Dave Obwald's story of recovery in Christ when life is broken.
My Story - Derek Story 6 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Mental Health God is in the business of transforming lives. Listen to Derek tell his story of God's redemption and grace.
An Open Letter to Pornography Article 7 years ago Addiction Marriage Relationships Dear Pornography, I never personally knew you – it was my husband who introduced us First in a Fitness magazine, then in the rejection of my touch I always smelled…
Porn Is Not Your Issue; It's Your Solution Article 7 years ago Addiction Healing I’m not sure how many times I have had this same conversation. A guy says, “Hey, I need to meet up with you,” and after a few minutes of awkward…
Sex and Sexuality / Song of Solomon 3:6-5:1 Sermon 7 years ago Addiction Marriage Relationships Sexuality God created us as sexual creatures, and He wired us with a longing to express our sexuality. He also designed that expression for the context of marriage. As a culture…
From Condemnation to Forgiveness Article 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Grace Healing Marriage Mental Health Pride Relationships Sexuality My husband and I were married for less than a year when I found out he had been struggling with a sexual addiction. The perfect marriage I had created in…
Mallory Mueller Story 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Grace Healing Marriage Mental Health Pride Relationships Sexuality My husband and I were married for less than a year when I found out he had been struggling with a sexual addiction. The perfect marriage I had created in…
Andrew Feil Story 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Gospel Grace Healing Mental Health Pride Sexuality Shame I am recovering from fear of rejection, pride, perfectionism, and acting out through sexual fantasy and pornography. Well that ramped up quickly, didn’t it? How in the world did I…
Behind the Mask Article 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Gospel Grace Healing Mental Health Pride Sexuality Shame I am recovering from fear of rejection, pride, perfectionism, and acting out through sexual fantasy and pornography. Well that ramped up quickly, didn’t it? How in the world did I…
Called Out of Hiding Article 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Healing Hope Mental Health Peace Sexuality Shame My life was a lie, hidden in the darkness of my shame and guilt from a lifelong addiction of pornography and sexual fantasy. I withdrew for fear that I would…
Stories of Our People: Francisco Pelayo Story 7 years ago Addiction Anger Depression Fear/Anxiety God Stories Healing Mental Health Sexuality When traditions and vices leave us empty or angry toward God, He can even meet us there, as Francisco experienced. God is bigger than our anger, pain, loneliness, depression and…