Meghan Alanis On Overcoming Anxiety Article 11 years ago Fear/Anxiety Mental Health Meghan Alanis shares her story about her struggle with anxiety and how she found freedom and healing in her journey. Meghan is the author of Life Behind His Shield and…
Our Rescuer Article 11 years ago Fear/Anxiety Mental Health “In God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?” – King David (Psalm 56:11) Is it not true that when we look back in…
Luke 2:1-20 / Windows of the Soul Sermon 12 years ago Fear/Anxiety Money Peace With the Christmas season in full swing, most of us find ourselves completely overwhelmed with the festivities that surround the holiday. Our schedules are full with work parties, meal preparations…
He is Supernatural / Joshua 5:13-15 Sermon 12 years ago Bible Doubt Fear/Anxiety Worship Jesus is bigger than the confines of our natural world. He is not limited by time, space, scientific rules or anything else, and He shows up throughout the Bible in…
Matthew 1:18-2:12 / The Greatest Gift Sermon 13 years ago Fear/Anxiety Kids Money Worship Few things come close to the nostalgia and traditions of Christmas. Gifts, lights, Santa, and festive decor mark our communities as the season sets in, capturing the hearts and imaginations…
1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Sermon 13 years ago Faith Fear/Anxiety Gospel Redemption Redemption, justification and sanctification all take place in the powerful moment of salvation. Once we are reborn, we depend on that power to penetrate our lives in all that we…
Luke 12:13-34 / The Parable of the Rich Fool Sermon 13 years ago Fear/Anxiety Generosity Idolatry Mental Health Money Worship How do we live for the kingdom of God, becoming content with where we are and what we have? How do we worship God with our wealth instead of worshiping…
Luke 18:1-8 / Persistent Widow Sermon 13 years ago Faith Fear/Anxiety Prayer Jesus used the Parable of the Widow and the Judge to show his disciples the importance of being persistent in their prayers. The unjust judge is compared to the just…
Malachi 3:16-4:6 / The Battle for the Heart Sermon 13 years ago Fear/Anxiety Worship How do the people of God live distinctly in a corrupt culture? The end of the book of Malachi draws eerie parallels to the moral temperature of our day. As…
Jonah 1:3-17 / I am Jonah - Obedience Sermon 14 years ago Fear/Anxiety Hope Missions Purpose Redemption We have all come to the crossroads of major decisions in life. You may entertain the idea of running away from your calling or choose to fulfill it. Jonah could…