Cultivate Celebration Event Recap Article 6 years ago Cultivate We had an amazing time kicking off Cultivate at the Celebration Event on October 21. With people from both campuses joining together as one church, we worshiped the Lord, praised…
Cultivate Celebration Stories Article 6 years ago Cultivate God Stories God is doing some amazing work in our community, strengthening this generation as they reach out and pour into the next. These are just a few stories of how He…
Cultivate Celebration Stories Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate God is doing some amazing work in our community, strengthening this generation as they reach out and pour into the next. These are just a few stories of how He…
The Joy of Generosity / Luke 6:38 / Mark 12:41-44 Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate Faith Generosity Gospel Kids Money Students By His own nature and character, God is generous, and we are His image bearers. Therefore, we are called to reflect His characteristics. Because of the fall, we became selfish…
Cultivate 1, 2, 3 Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate Gospel Kids Money Students Though this message may seem like an outlier, it’s actually once of the most important messages we have given in 16 years because we are inviting people to be a…
Hope for the Next Generation / Deuteronomy 6:4-7 / Psalm 71:17–18 Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate Discipleship Gospel Kids Peace Students To reproduce spiritually, we must grow spiritually. In order to reach the next generation, we have to strengthen this one. We must grow and be discipled so that when we…
Neighborhood Church Story 6 years ago Cultivate "We've wrapped our neighbors inside of a common vision for what would it look like if God has His way on 8 blocks by 12 blocks."
Local Extended Family: Street Saints Story 6 years ago Cultivate Missions "I can grab my cross and say, 'You see this here? This is why I do this."
Heart for the City / Matthew 5:13-16 / Mark 12:28-34 Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate Faith Gospel As the gospel changes us, it changes our affections so we feel compelled to be part of what God is doing. As those who claim to be followers of Jesus…
First Fruit Partner: Pregnancy Care Center Story 6 years ago Cultivate "We really just want to come alongside moms and dads and help them know the value that they have and the value their baby has."
Compelled by the Gospel / Romans 1:1-16 / 1 Corinthians 15 Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate Gospel We see in Acts the power of the gospel and the longing Paul has to share the good news in Rome, even after being imprisoned there. His message was simply…
Tristan's God Money Story 6 years ago Cultivate Generosity God Stories Money "You can start giving your money to God whenever you want, as long as you have money to give to God."