AOD / Morality Sermon 10 years ago Bible Race Society/Culture It would be great if everything in life could be black and white, clearly right or wrong all the time, but that isn't the case. The Bible reveals black and…
Developing A Biblical WorldviewYear 3, Semester 2 Semester 10 years ago Bible Purpose Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through six fundamental questions every person wrestles with and answers in the course of life. The way you answer these questions shapes the way…
AOD / The Core Sermon 10 years ago Bible God is in the process of changing our hearts to be more Humbly Submitted and our minds to be more Biblically Formed, like Jesus. The question is, are you aware…
1, 2, 3 John / Jude Sermon 11 years ago Bible Gospel Throughout the Bible, two of the most distinguishing marks of Christ's followers are truth and love. There are dozens and dozens of commands in the Bible for God's people to…
New Testament BooksYear 3, Semester 1 Semester 11 years ago Bible Gospel This class will guide you thoughtfully through the New Testament Books of the Bible (Matthew – Revelation) in a way that helps you understand the unique contribution of each of…
Between the Old Testament and New Testament Sermon 11 years ago Bible The Bible is silent for over 400 years after the Old Testament ends until the New Testament starts. Historically, we know what happened during that time, and we also know…
Answering the Most Often-Asked Questions About ChristianityYear 2, Semester 2 Semester 11 years ago Bible Evangelism Faith Hope Society/Culture This class will guide you thoughtfully through a discussion of the most often-asked questions about Christianity, helping you respond to what your friends and family want to know about your…
GenerationsGenesis to Revelation Sermon Series 11 years ago Bible From Genesis to Revelation, there is God – a God of love, holiness, righteousness and justice, a God who is present and involved throughout every generation (Psalm 102:12). As we…
Old Testament Poetic & Prophetic BooksYear 2, Semester 1 Semester 12 years ago Bible This class will guide you thoughtfully through the Old Testament Poetic and Prophetic Books of the Bible (Job – Malachi) in a way that helps you understand the unique contribution…
1 Corinthians 12:1-7 / Various, Yet Same Sermon 12 years ago Bible Money Serving There are few issues that have caused more division in the body of Christ than spiritual gifts. Failure to recognize the appropriate source and use of our spiritual gifts has…
He is Supernatural / Joshua 5:13-15 Sermon 12 years ago Bible Doubt Fear/Anxiety Worship Jesus is bigger than the confines of our natural world. He is not limited by time, space, scientific rules or anything else, and He shows up throughout the Bible in…
Holy Week Sermon 12 years ago Bible Gospel If someone knew the end of their life was coming, the last few days of their life would probably be very intentional, filled with the things that were most important…