Weekly Sermons

GenerationsGenesis to Revelation

Acts 13-15:35 (Galatians)

September 22, 2013
Brad Bell
This sermon was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

What does it mean to be "free in Christ"? If we are free, what does it mean to live free? The book of Galatians points us, not only to justification by faith but a life continually lived by faith. We are set free from sin to live free. In this epistle Paul reminds us that we have been crucified with Christ and His power now works within us. If we walk by the Spirit we are told that we will not gratify the desires of the flesh, but rather bear good fruit. For the legalist and the person indulging in license, Galatians will set you on theological


See Acts.

Resources for Acts



Paul, originally named Saul, a Pharisee until confronted by Jesus Christ.


Most modern scholars believe this letter was written to the southern churches of Galatia, visited by Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey around A.D. 49.


The Church’s Sanctification

Sanctification cannot be achieved by keeping the Law, but by faith in the one who has true power to change lives.

Additional Info

Galatia is a region, eastern Asia Minor, and not a city itself. Evidently some Jewish Christians, either from within their ranks or from the outside, were trying to convince these new Christians they not only needed to accept Christ by faith, but that they also needed to follow the Jewish law in order to keep their salvation. Paul was upset because this ideology was denying the very grace of God. This is the only letter in the New Testament that is a rebuke from beginning to end.

© Dr. Rick Taylor

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