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What do you get when an Energizer[1] has a people-pleasing problem? An overcommitted and stressed pastor.
On a bad day, I turn into a “Yes Man” in order to get others to like me. In the meantime, my other commitments get put on the back burner. It leaves me with this undertone of failure. And ironically, in an attempt to not be seen as a failure, I feel more like a failure.
Recently, God used a friend to expose the sin of placing other’s acceptance in the place of God’s acceptance in my heart. This was a marked moment for me. Another friend recently told me that every time I say “yes” to something, I’m saying “no” to something else.
The fine line between being generous and a people pleaser is found by asking the question, “Why?”
“Why am I signing up for this?”
“Why am I agreeing to do this?”
“Why is this person’s acceptance so important to me?”
“Am I doing this to please God, to please another person or to please myself?”
God offers freedom, not failure. He accepts us with our quirks and oddities, and we don’t have to work for His love. We simply need to remember it.
[1] See Your Unique Design