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I love plants. I probably have more potted plants than I need, and my front porch and living room look a little bit like a jungle, but it’s wonderful.
One of my plants had been in the same pot for quite some time. It’s a cute little pot. Its age shows and I like it that way. The thing is, the plant that I had growing in there was getting much too large for the quaint little pot I had kept it in for so long. Day after day, I would walk out my front door, look at the plant that was growing too large for the pot, and think “Eh, it’ll be fine, I like that pot, it’s been there so long, blah, blah, blah…” Then I’d walk away.
One day I walked outside, looked at the plant and suddenly realized what had happened. By keeping this plant in a pot that was way too small, I was essentially preventing it from growing to its full and true potential, and it actually started to look kind of ugly with its roots all unruly.
Apparently I’m not as observant as I think, and completely missed the fact that my poor little plant was suffering. It needed to be moved. It needed to be replanted in a garden or bigger pot. This plant was not meant to stay in such a tiny little space. As it grew, its space needed to grow as well. So I did just that. I got a bigger pot and gave my plant its new home. And what do you know! Not a few days later, new growths began to sprout up out of the dirt.
We are just like these plants. You see, there was a time in my life when I was very comfortable and content with my circumstances. I liked the pot I was living in. But here’s the kicker: I wasn’t “comfortable and content” because I was being obedient to God. I was “comfortable and content” because I was afraid.
I absolutely felt the strong uneasiness of where I was headed. While my love for the Lord was strong, I was kind of rejecting His constant invitations into things much more wonderful. But again, I was afraid. For a solid three years I ignored it. And guess what? I was stunted, and my metaphorical roots got all crazy and weird.
I lived in this until one day an amazing woman named Hope pulled me aside, looked me in the eyes and told me God created me for so much more. She knew it, I knew it and God knew it. She encouraged me to release my fears and step into the unknown. So I did.
I changed everything. Everything. It was not an easy process by any means. But it became beautiful over time. I cannot think of a better word to describe it. Beautiful.
I often look back and find myself shocked and excited at the growth that has happened in my life. It is also startling to see where that growth would have stopped if I hadn’t stepped out in faith.
I think this kind of thing happens to a lot of us. Some people figure it out pretty quickly, and others don’t. But my point is simply this: do not ignore the Lord or pretend like you are totally fine standing on the sidelines of the amazing story He is creating right in front of our eyes. Trust that our God is good in every minute of every day, and trust that it is utterly impossible for Him to lead us astray.