This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Hello there, my name is Emma and I am now officially a senior at Clovis North. I am so honored and excited to be on the WSM New York Missions Trip with such an amazing group of people. While training for this week-long, short-term missions trip, I have really been exposed to my heart for people, relationships, and traveling/missions. Alongside this great group of Jesus lovers, I have been able grow my relationship with God and my relationships with my team. I am constantly being reminded of our not-so-perfect world and that God wants his people to do something about it. I am learning how faithful the Lord is and I am constantly being shown that God supplies whatever you need when he thinks you need it most.
However, like every doubting human being, I do have my fears. I fear mostly that I won’t connect; that I won’t connect with my team and with the people I am serving. I fear that I will let myself down by not creating valuable, loving relationships with the people surrounding me. I also fear that our crazy group of teenagers will get lost in the city, but I guess that might make for some great memories, so that doesn’t bother me as much. Knowing Jeremiah (our leader), he will know exactly what we are doing, when we are doing it, and how we will be doing it, so I’m positive we will be just fine in his hands.
So now is when I’m supposed to write about why I am going on this trip… I apologize now for my informal language and writing style, but I’m really just talking out loud here. Anyways, I am going on this trip mostly because I want to see something other than Fresno. I understand poverty, but only on the scale of Fresno. It pains me to think of people struggling to live every day, and I look forward to being challenged by the sights of New York’s underprivileged. I am also going on this trip to create relationships with the people there: people I would never normally find myself acquainted with. Lastly, I am going on this trip because I have always been quite the curious soul, one who loves to travel and desires to see more than what Fresno/Clovis has to offer. I hope by going on this short term exposure trip, I get a taste of what missions really are, and who knows, maybe God will reveal to me a passion in mission I never knew I had. I hope you are able to support and follow our team in prayer and I wish you all a wonderful and glorious summer!