God Story - Lanna Cafe Story 13 years ago God Stories Missions Lanna Cafe exists to raise awareness for the needs of those living in the Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand. Lanna Cafe uses proceeds from coffee sales and donations to sponsor…
State of the Church - Life Change Stories Story 13 years ago God Stories Missions Serving Students Watch interviews of people who have been impacted by the different ministries at The Well.
What is a Missional Church? Article 13 years ago Missions This is a fantastic 2 minute video on what it means to be a missional church. This is what you will hear over and over at The Well. You are…
Cause OVER Creator Article 13 years ago Missions I was listening this morning to The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis on audiobook and a section really struck me at the core. Screwtape is writing to his newphew Wormwood.…
Jonah 1:3-17 / I am Jonah - Obedience Sermon 14 years ago Fear/Anxiety Hope Missions Purpose Redemption We have all come to the crossroads of major decisions in life. You may entertain the idea of running away from your calling or choose to fulfill it. Jonah could…