Then God - Ka'eo Yoshikawa Story 4 years ago Abuse Fear/Anxiety God Stories Gospel Hope Students God saved you by His grace, and is continually transforming you for His Glory and for your good. Be encouraged as people of The Well share their personal stories of…
Then God - Michelle Winter Story 4 years ago God Stories Gospel God saved you by His grace, and is continually transforming you for His Glory and for your good. Be encouraged as people of The Well share their personal stories of…
The Significance of the Triumphal Entry | Matthew 21 Sermon 4 years ago Gospel Matthew 21 and onward hone in on a 9-day period crescendoing at Jesus’s accomplishment on the cross. The “Triumphal Entry” authenticates God’s message to the world not only through what…
Understanding the Kingdom | Matthew 20:17-28 Sermon 4 years ago Gospel After hearing Jesus talk about the last becoming first and the first becoming last, the disciples try to wrap their minds around what it means to live under a king's…
The Rich Young Ruler | Matthew 19-20 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Grace There is no special place of influence or honor in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus uses two parables to communicate the lavish grace and incredible love of God that blows…
Family Business | Matthew 18 Sermon 5 years ago Community Gospel Jesus discusses sin in a community context. In a family, our actions affect others, giving us the ability to either encourage or entrap one another. God wants us to deal…
True Authority | Matthew 17-18 Sermon 5 years ago Faith Gospel In three different pericopes, Jesus teaches about true authority and influence. Even though He had the ultimate authority, Jesus laid it all down for the betterment of others.
Quality vs Quantity of Faith | Matthew 17:14-20 Sermon 5 years ago Faith Gospel Prayer After witnessing the transfiguration of Christ, the disciples learn that "re-entry" after a mountain top experience isn't always easy. When they are unable to heal a boy, Jesus uses the…
Who is Jesus to You? Matthew 17:1-13 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Who is Jesus to you? Having the proper view of Jesus, or Christology, determines how we respond to him. The disciples Christology is expanded at the Transfiguration where they are…
Who do you say that I am? Matthew 16 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Jesus has been preparing his disciples for their ministry after he is gone. The disciples' training has been building to this pivotal moment when Jesus poses an important question. He…
For All Who Believe / Matthew 13:44-58 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Healing Purpose Throughout the parables Jesus has been telling, He shows the people who will enter the kingdom of heaven. It’s not about being religious or following the law or being Jewish.…
The Weeds, Mustard Seed and Leaven / Matthew 13:24-43 Sermon 5 years ago Gospel Healing Purpose As Jesus continued to teach in parables, He gave the people a glimpse of the kingdom of heaven as well as what will happen to those who refuse to believe…