Making Room for Jesus / Mark 11:1-26 Sermon 9 years ago Anger Faith Gospel Prayer Worship Jesus begins the Passion Week with the most remarkable of entrances. Everything He does is intentional and focused. During this time, He makes some strong accusations toward the religious people…
The Great Reversal / Mark 10:13-52 Sermon 9 years ago Faith Gospel Kids Serving In a world where rulers use their subjects as stepping stones to personal success and greatness, Jesus has something else to say. Leadership at its core is not about greatness…
Trusting In God's Provision Article 9 years ago Faith Missions Money I said, "Yes, I'll go to Haiti." But if I'm being honest, I wasn't sure how it was going to happen. By saying yes, was I being faithful to the…
Trusting His Authority / Mark 5:1-43 Sermon 9 years ago Faith Fear/Anxiety Healing In Mark 5, Jesus continues to show His disciples what it means to follow the servant. We see three instances where Jesus demonstrates the power and authority given to Him…
A Tale of Two Brothers / Romans 14:13-15:1 Sermon 10 years ago Faith Gospel Peace Race Society/Culture Where the scriptures are clear, we must be obedient. But where the scriptures are vague, how are we to live? Our journey through Romans this week provides clear insights and…
Grace in the Gray / Romans 14:1-12 Sermon 10 years ago Faith Gospel One of the greatest challenges of the church today is division from within. Far too many Christians break fellowship, and far too many churches split over disagreements about non-essential areas…
Christ on Display / Romans 12:9-21 Sermon 10 years ago Faith Peace Prayer Serving Faith without deeds is useless. James makes this statement as a reminder that our faith in Christ should be seen in the world around us (James 2:17). Paul takes this…
What God Says About Our Spiritual Gifts / Romans 12:3-8 Sermon 10 years ago Faith Gospel Grace Peace Serving Though the world might suggest this life is about accommodating self, God says we are gifted by Him to benefit others. However, identifying our spiritual gifts and utilizing them within…
January 2015 Baptism Service Sermon 10 years ago Faith Grace Throughout the Gospels we see a Savior who came to seek and save the lost and the broken, and bring them into His family. Today we celebrate the goodness and…
God’s Sovereign Choice / Romans 9:1-33 Sermon 10 years ago Faith Gospel Grace Purpose Did God choose you or did you choose God? The answer is a frustrating yes. The Bible seems to teach both sides of this conundrum and does not apologize for…
Baptism Article 10 years ago Faith This January 4 The Well is hosting a Baptism service. Different from previous Baptism services, which we lovingly refer to as “Dunkfests,” this service is designed completely differently. Instead…
The Benefits of Justification by Faith / Romans 5:1-21 Sermon 10 years ago Faith Gospel The first several chapters of Romans remind us that we are dead in our transgressions and sins. It ruthlessly points out the depth of our depravity and steadily reminds us…