Weekly Sermons

Teaching to Send and Sending to Teach / Matthew 16:13-18 / Acts 1-28

March 22, 2015
Brad Bell
This sermon was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

In Matthew 16, Jesus says He will build His church. What is the church? We get the term from the Greek compound ecclesia, which comes from two words, ek, meaning “out from” and kaleo, which means “to call.” From the very beginning, this concept of church has had nothing to do with brick and mortar, an address or a building. Rather, it’s the people of God, the called out ones. In the book of Acts we see the church was primarily about two things: teaching and sending. They taught the Word of God and sent people out to proclaim it to the world. May we continue the legacy of what it means to be the church, allowing ourselves to be taught and sent as well as teaching others and sending them. And in this movement, may we submit ourselves to the Word of God and do what it says, loving God and our neighbors, serving others and allowing them to see Christ through us.


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