Weekly Sermons

Preparing for an Advent / 1 Peter 1:10-12 / Hebrews 9:28

December 13, 2015
Shea Sumlin

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This sermon was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

The Christmas season is upon us, and like so many in our culture, these weeks leading up to Christmas can come with a frantic pace, and if we're not careful allow the affections of our heart to drift away from Christ and onto lesser things. Historically speaking, the church has sought to redeem these weeks leading up to Christmas by viewing them through a lens of Advent – a term that means "coming" or "arrival." In this message we'll learn how it is we can view the First Advent of Christ, when He came as a baby to save, in such a way that will also help us prepare our hearts as we await the Second Advent of Christ, when He'll come as a King to reign.

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