Weekly Sermons

September 8, 2013
Brad Bell
This sermon was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

In the early chapters of Acts we see the birth of the New Testament church. However, the chapters that follow provide insight into the purging and maturation of this fledging body of believers. Marked by persecution, fraught with growing pains, and struggling to meet the demands of this burgeoning crowd, the resolve of the people of God is put to the test. These chapters hold the first signs of the perseverance of the body of Christ. Full of hope and resilience, these early believers pave the way for the gospel to move to the remotest parts of the earth. Peter begins to understand God heart for the entire world, Saul the persecutor becomes the proclaimer of Christ, and Stephen and James are killed. The church fears persecution, yet the Word of God continues to grow.

See Acts 1-2 for general book information.

Resources for Acts


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