Weekly Sermons

December 1, 2013
Brad Bell
This sermon was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Tucked deep in the later portions of the New Testament are eight short chapters written by the Apostle Peter. Remarkably the letters are void of the brash, impetuous, pride-filled tone that colors his interactions in the Gospels. Instead these pages are filled with hope, patient endurance, humility and concern for the suffering of his readers. Peter writes these two books from Rome to the churches that Paul started on his first missionary journey to console them in their suffering and loss, not the least of which was the martyrdom of Paul. Peter's message is to patiently endure suffering in light of the imminent return of Christ. His wise pastoral words remind us that it's not how you start, but how you finish in life that truly matters.

1 Peter


Simon Peter, the apostle, as claimed in 1 Peter 1:1, the same Peter who was one of the original 12 apostles, who walked with Christ.


Likely in late A.D. 66 after Paul’s death. The persecution that is recognized in this letter is generally believed to be during the Neronian reign of terror in A.D. 64-68.


The Church Reminded Part 1

The church is reminded to live lives of humility before God and each other, and to live life in light of God’s promises.

Additional Info

Peter wrote this letter from Rome, primarily to Gentile Christians who were greatly isolated from most of the other segments of Christianity. Because of the pagan surroundings and the isolation, these Christians faced great difficulty, both from without and within. They needed some guidance and encouragement, and that is exactly what Peter sent them.

© Dr. Rick Taylor

2 Peter


Simon Peter, the apostle, as claimed in 2 Peter 1:1.


Likely in about A.D. 66-68. It is seemingly written just before Peter’s death (2 Peter 1:14-15).


The Church Reminded Part 2

The church is reminded to live lives of humility before God and each other, and to live life in light of God’s promises.

Additional Info

This is Peter’s second letter to this audience (2 Peter 3:1), the same five northern, more barbarian districts of Asia. They were believers who were facing persecution and false teachers who were challenging their faith. Peter wrote to remind them that God’s promises are sure and true, and could be counted on with their lives.

© Dr. Rick Taylor

Resources for 1, 2 Peter


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