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For almost a year I got to look forward to going on this Exposure Trip to Costa Rica, and now it’s finally here!

I did not know what to expect going into this trip. I had no idea what my host family was going to be like, the food I was going to be eating, or what God wanted to teach me while I was here.
One thing I have learned is that God wants me to be more intentional with my time. I am constantly guilty of letting excuse after excuse get in the way of spending quality time with the Lord, such as reading His Word or spending time in prayer. He keeps teaching me to remember that He is always with me, no matter where I am in life, and to follow His will for my life. No matter how scary, He calls us to be obedient.
Everything is so green here in Costa Rica. It’s been amazing to look at all the mountains and trees everywhere you turn. Last Wednesday, we got to take the kids to a volcano, and see how absolutely beautiful it was. It was like walking inside of a postcard and getting to take a good look around; it was so surreal. Through all these things, I’ve constantly been reminded of God’s creation, and how it subtly points to His power.
I would have to say staying with my host mother Virginia has been one of the best experiences I’ve had. She has been so patient with my far-from-perfect Spanish, and conversation is something I get to look forward to every single night at dinner. She has also taught me the value of serving others before yourself.
I think God still has quite a bit to teach me. I just need to have the ears to listen and also the desire to apply those things to my life at home. I think God is asking me to trust Him with the plan He has for my life; I just need to wait on His timing, and also have the courage to follow His plan.
- Cali S.