This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

“The next time you’re tempted to boast, just say under your breath, ‘It’s not about me.’ Say it a dozen times a day. Say it when you wake up and go to sleep. When we keep track of the good we’ve done or love people with an agenda, it’s no longer love; it’s just a bunch of tickets. We can either keep track of all the good we’ve done or all the good God’s done. Only one will really matter to us.” - Bob Goff
What profound timing it was to read these words within the first five minutes of our travels to Bangkok. I think I have muttered that phrase to myself approximately five-hundred times over the last twenty-four hours! It is always in our most exhausted, hangry state that the enemy attempts to sneak in with a plan to steal our joy, unity, and peace. But how faithful He has been to our team so far in this! From a worldly standpoint, it makes no sense that we all continue to serve each other, putting others first, and guarding against grumbling and complaining. Without Him, things would be looking way different at this point, as we all are pushing through on an average of about three hours of sleep and airline food.

Amazing memories have already been made, laugh-until-you-cry things have been said, and Japanese food from heaven has been consumed. We are blown away by the beauty of this city, and are expectant of what God is going to do these two weeks as we continually keep track of the good He has done and humble ourselves before Him. Until then, Moms: we are alive and showered and fed! Church community: thank you so much for your ardent prayers, and please continue to ask God for energy, as tomorrow is our first of many busy days ahead.

- Grace Kane