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I recently had the opportunity to counsel with The Well at Hume Lake. We took over 50 kids to Wagon Train for Summer Camp. This was a very unique opportunity for me. The last time I was at Wagon Train, I was the camp director and I had always wanted to know what it was like to be a counselor. This was my first time on the outside looking in. Also, my wife and daughter were there as a counselor and a camper which made this a special time for our family.
Throughout the week I watched the campers have the time of their life. One of my boys even said, "I wish this camp lasted eight weeks!" However, one week was plenty for me. The group of boys in my wagon got dirty, they got candy in the mail, they got a little sunburned, they got scared by spiders and one of them even got saved. Not from the spiders, but from his sins and the penalty that he came to understand went along with them. He sat around a smokey campfire and prayed to be forgiven by the only one who can forgive our sin, Jesus Christ. There were tears and there were smiles as he felt the weight of his sin and the hope that Jesus brought. Then he went right back to being a kid; laughing and playing.
I was reminded again of the verse where Jesus tells us that we must all come to Him as a child. Otherwise, we cannot enter into the kingdom of Heaven. My wife shard a quote with me recently that I found fitting for my experience at Wagon Train. It is by Charles Hodge who said, "The gospel is so simple that small children can understand it, and it is so profound that studies by the wisest theologians will never exhaust its riches." May we never stop coming to our Heavenly Father like a child as we experience the profound simplicity of the gospel in our life.