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Paul called marriage a great mystery (Ephesians 5:32). Those who have been married for any length of time or have been around other married couples know marriage can often feel like a mystery. It is a coming together of man and woman that often does not make sense or play out in the ways we assume. Add a worldview that has continued to distort and confuse the very definition and design of marriage, and it only leads to further confusion.
God’s Word reveals the mystery of marriage to its readers. It speaks very clearly to God’s intent and purpose for marriage. From the opening pages of Genesis we see a picture of marriage that is far greater than simply companionship and procreation. Instead we see a covenantal God using marriage to tell His story to the world. It is a story of redemption and reconciliation, a story of everlasting love, a picture of the gospel at work. And our marriages are a reflection of the God who designed them.
Yet because of sin, we live in the aftermath of broken marriages that are marred by adultery, abuse and abandonment. Marriages that end in divorce leave a trail of pain and suffering for those caught in its wake. And a view of marriage that revolves around our own personal happiness is not about the glory of God.
The beauty of the cross is that God does not leave us to our sin and suffering. He does not leave us to a history of divorce and brokenness. Instead He offers us Jesus, who provides forgiveness of sins and a reconciled relationship to God. He also provides a means to be reconciled to others (2 Corinthians 5:11-21). God is in the business of healing broken relationships, of restoring what was torn apart. In fact, there’s no one better at it.
What it requires is a right view of the gospel and of a biblical marriage, apart from the cultural norms of our day. What it demands is confession, repentance and forgiveness in marriages. What it needs is men and women who are aware of the right relationship they have with God and seek to have right relationships with their spouses.
We desire to see marriages reflect the glory of God and be a witness to this great mystery. We want to see husbands and wives live together in covenantal relationship, and we want to equip people to have a biblical view of marriage and live in faithfulness to it.
Below are some resources that can help you learn and grow in your understanding of a biblical and gospel-centered view of marriage. They are recommended by pastors in our church and have been helpful to many of them over the years.
The beauty of the gospel is that we admit our weakness and seek God’s help in deliverance. All marriages are a struggle, so if you find yourself in that place, you are not alone. As a church we want to walk with people through forgiveness, reconciliation and healing of the brokenness of their lives and marriages. Your first steps needs to be honesty with God and then honesty with others.
If you find yourself struggling and would like to meet with a pastor or staff member from The Well for biblical counsel, contact us at 559.326.5100. We also have a counseling center with qualified counselors who can provide care for you.
It’s okay to admit you’re not okay, but it’s not okay to stay there. Marriage is God’s design, and He has given us the tools and resources to walk in it for our good and His glory.
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