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Helping people connect to God and to each other in every neighborhood
God wants to use you to bring others to a fuller understanding of Him.
You cross paths with people every day where you live, work and play, and you have been sent by God to be a light to your neighbors.
During the next three weeks, we would like to challenge you to download the Know Thy Neighbor Booklet (1.1 MB PDF) and answer the following questions, working through them as an individual, as a family, as a Life Group or as a Ministry Team. Then commit to being intentional about reaching out to your neighbors, getting to know them and praying for them.
Week 1 (September 26-October 5)
Who are your neighbors?
Introduce yourself to 5 neighbors this week, and learn their names.
Week 2 (October 6-12)
Pray for your neighbors.
Take some time this week to pray for your neighbors. Pray that God would open doors for you to share the gospel with them, learn about needs they may have, and for opportunities you could connect with them further.
Week 3 (October 13-19)
Care for your neighbors.
Connect with your neighbors, ask them how you can care for them and then follow through. You could also bring them some cookies or a meal, have them over for a Saturday morning brunch, or host a neighborhood party.