The Well Blog

Join Team Haiti: The Well Summer Exposure Trips

December 22, 2014
Chris Schultz
This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Exposure trips at The Well Community Church are just as they sound – exposure. Opportunities to take men and women out of their normal surroundings here in United States and let them be exposed to another country and its people, languages, and customs. In leaving behind what is comfortable and convenient, they encounter places where the food tastes different, the people speak anything but English, and there isn’t a Starbucks on every corner.

This exposure also brings them face to face with the Living God, and realizing that His kingdom is so much bigger than Fresno, California, or even America. That God is calling for himself a people group of every tribe, tongue, and nation (Revelation 5:9) we get to participate in His redemptive work. And in being able to witness and join in with what God is doing abroad, we are stirred and transformed as a result.

It is because of this that I am once again thrilled and honored to be able to lead a team to Northern Haiti this July. The Well and Christian Friendship Ministries will be partnering together in order to host a Men’s Conference in Pignon, Haiti. This will be 2nd conference organized and led by an Exposure Team at The Well; we were on the ground in 2013 and were able to work with 100 Haitian men and teach them the elements of the Anatomy of a Disciple in their native language Creole. We watched men of all ages worship together, study their bible with one another, discuss the importance of discipleship in their community, and some men even gave their lives to Christ during the conference.

For me personally, this summer’s trip will be a very special trip to be a part of. For the past five years CFM was led by Ericlee Gilmore, my best friend of almost thirty years. Starting in junior high, Ericlee and I have shared just about every experience two friends can encounter in life. He was my dearest and closest friend. Ericlee was the grandson of missionaries Oren and Arshallos Bell, who arrived in Haiti in 1947 intent on proclaiming the Gospel. Their missionary work produced believers in Jesus Christ, spurred churches, schools, orphanages, and health clinics throughout the region. Ericlee continued on their work as the American Director of CFM.

But in June of 2014, Ericlee, at the young age of 40, contracted melanoma skin cancer. Within three short months, the cancer took his life and he went home to be with Heavenly Father. The pain of seeing your friend suffer and die was unlike anything I have ever experienced and yet I didn’t mourn as those who have no hope (I Thessalonians 4:13) but instead was able to rejoice in his life, faith, and ministry. I am honored to return to Haiti and continue in the ministry that Ericlee and his family have labored in so diligently.

As Ericlee was a godly man, husband, and father who lived out the Great Commandment (Matthew 22) and carried out the Great Commission (Matthew 28), I am looking for a group of men who will join me on this quest. I believe that there are men like Ericlee who need to go on this trip. Husbands, Fathers, Professionals who need to not only come so that they can use their skills and giftings to help us minister to the Haitian men, but also because of what Almighty God is going to produce in their lives as a result of their participation.

So I am praying and fasting that God will stir in the hearts of men to join me as we put together an Exposure Team and be a part of what He is doing in Haiti. For anyone who is interested, please check The Well’s Mission Page ( and it will provide you information about this trip and all other Exposure Trips available this summer. God saves us, he sanctifies us, and he sends us. Who will send this summer to Haiti?

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