This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.
Hello Well Family!
This trip so far has been filled with many "firsts." For the first time I walked through streets where people were only speaking in a language that I scarcely knew. For the first time I sat in a metal shack filled with smoke and prayed that a baby would gain weight so that the government wouldn't take her away from her family. For the first time I sat with twenty or so children, many of which hadn't had any food all day, as they thanked God for blessing them and their families. For the first time I sat with a teacher outside of a school that she wasn't allowed inside of and prayed for teachers and children. And for the first time I sat in a park with women I had just met and sang worship songs in Spanish while looking at God's beautiful landscape around us. For the first time I sat in a church filled with Guatemalans and clapped along to their worship until my hands were numb.
But most importantly, for the first time, I've been seeing the faithfulness of God to those who follow Him.
The people here don't have much in terms of money, but many are rich spiritually. They have a joy that can only come from knowing God and trusting Him completely. That being said, there are also those here that are poor both physically and spiritually. However, Students International is doing an amazing job of reaching everyone in this town of Magdalena.
God bless!
Laura Trickett