This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

We made it to the camp safely! The team is all doing well and we are on day two of camp. It is such a blessing to live out what God has called us to do.
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." – James 1:27
Please pray that the kids will hear and see the Gospel lived out. Our hope is that the children would know Christ and the power of His ressurection. That they have a heavenly Father that cares for and loves them more than they have ever known. Many of these orphans have been abandoned. Pray for sustained energy and good health for each of the teammates. We have blended well with the Ukrainian team and will continually look for ways to best serve them in their long term ministry here.