This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Hola! Today, like every day here, began with devotions, fellowship, worship, and strong coffee. Most of our group is still adjusting to the diet of Costa Rica and some are having some issues. One of our members was unable to continue with us today and went back to her host home early this morning. As a group, we have been praying for her and would love to for you to pray for her as well.
The Sports site teamed up with the Social Service site today. We caught the bus around 9AM and arrived in La Fuentez at the home Social Services regularly holds their group activities. It was heart breaking to see the conditions these kids live in. They are severely poverty stricken, however, their genuine hearts were inspiring to us. We were able to connect with kids as we played basketball, soccer, tennis, and frisbee.
To set up for the day, the men in our group hauled a basketball hoop up and down a very steep hill. We set up in the street that ran next to a very large (and very muddy) field of grass. We played games of soccer, basketball, and volleyball; and slowly, more and more kids from the neighborhood came to join us. By the end of the day, we had four teams for soccer, two teams for basketball, and a large circle of kids and group members bumping a volleyball around.
Many of the children had worn out shoes and clothes. Some of them were physically or mentally impaired and some seemed to be a very troubled. The amount of joy that emanated from these kids, despite their circumstances, was incredibly uplifting. It made us realize that regardless of the surroundings, the neighborhood or whatever it may be, love can always be constant. Joy can always be constant. For my joy, I have Jesus Christ to thank. But to know that for today those kids thanked us for their joy, creates a feeling of pure happiness I wish everyone could experience.
Costa Rica continues to be a blessing for us and I’m excited to see what other opportunities and experiences that are yet to come!
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