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Written by Mckenzie Klassen
Traveling in the eyes of me (Mckenzie)... well when we got to the airport at 4:30 in the morning... i finally realized I WAS GOING TO Costa Rica... considering there are very few occasions i would be waking up at 4:30 in the morning. The Fresno airport welcomed us and sent us on our way to Texas. When we got to Texas we had a 4 hour layover. We ate lunch and as we were walking we saw the skyline train and decided we were going to ride it! When we got on the train Dusty suggested we ride the whole thing around not holding onto anything... we decided YOLO and subway surfed the whole way, despite all the glares from the passengers going on and off the train. When our layover was over we boarded the plane and flew our way to Costa Rica. We arrived in Costa Rica and met our wonderful bus driver and some leaders for the week who took us to our wonderful hostile. Well this is where my story ends so always remember, YOLO.
Written by Carissa Celum
The SI staff and Costa Ricans where we are staying have been very gracious to us. The Costa Rican people in general are very friendly. Tonight, they let us try some of their exotic fruits unique to Costa Rica. They range from sour to sweet to bitter. They also taught us one of their cultural dances; it was very fast paced for me and I probably looked like a fool (considering that I failed line dancing PE), but it was loads of fun. By the way, today was Kaden’s birthday. The Costa Ricans threw him a special birthday party. I thought it was quite funny when Kaden was egged with 14 eggs, because he turned 14. Later, we had cake. After he blew out his candles, Diego (who is a missionary at the sports site) pushed his face into the cake. But the good sport Kaden is he just started lickin’ off that frostin’, and he said mmmmmmmmmmmmm. This morning, when we woke up, we did devotions right away. It was awesome to start the day off in God’s word together. We are studying the book of James; today, we focused on James 1. The thing I took away this morning that really stood out to me was relying on God by asking Him for His wisdom instead of using our own and trusting that He will give me the wisdom that I need without doubt. I can’t wait to go to the education site tomorrow and work with the kids there!!!!!
Written by Nick Valla
It feels so great to be back in Costa Rica! As you may be able to tell, I went last year and I’ve been itching to come back ever since. It feels like a second home here. Some things have changed, like some of the Students International staff and interns, but many things haven’t, like the people and the papaya seeds. Yesterday was a bit hectic for all of us, but it was very relieving to step back into Lbe Skena (our home for the next week!) and set our clocks to “Tico Time”. After a good night’s sleep, we got to do our daily devotionals together and sing some worship. Afterwards, we enjoyed the first of many delicious meals, consisting of cereal, fruit, scrambled eggs, and a burrito. For the next few hours, we met the rest of the interns and learned the do’s and don’ts of Costa Rica. After lunch, we headed over to Jeff Dixon’s house (the field director here) and had a chance to exchange our currency and buy some goodies. After, we took our first bus of the trip to a flea market where we went wild. On the long bus ride home, I had a chance to talk with the Courtney, the intern I will have a chance to work with this week at the Microfinance site. It was great to get to know her and I can’t wait to see what is ahead for us all. After some dinner, egg smashing, and fruit tasting, we enjoyed fresh coffee, dancing, and the cake that didn’t make it onto Kaden’s face. We just played a bit of ping pong and sadly, this day has come to a close, but there are still 6 more to enjoy!
Pura Vida!