This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. God has shown how amazing He is throughout our preparation for our Exposure Trip to Lebanon. As a team, we are fully funded. Now we can focus on team unity and prepare our minds for this trip. We leave Fresno on Sunday, November 20 for San Francisco to catch our flight to Turkey and then board our connecting flight to Lebanon. Our team is excited for the opportunity to work with Youth for Christ in Lebanon and the Syrian refugees.
We have been preparing to be part of the Lebanon culture for two weeks by eating Lebanese food at a local restaurant in Fresno. Also, we Skyped with a member of Youth for Christ and discussed daily life in Lebanon. Prayers are greatly appreciated as we get closer to our departure and during our whole trip. Our team is looking forward to what God has planned in Lebanon and the impact that it will make in our lives as well.
To God be all the glory.