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Today was another day of serving alongside some amazing organizations. My team served at two missions on Skid Row: The Los Angles Mission and The Midnight Mission. I worked in the kitchen at both missions, sweeping and getting everything ready before we actually served food. Between working at the missions, we took a tour of Skid Row, where we walked through the streets and learned about the history and landmarks of the area.
After actually interacting with the people who live on Skid Row, it’s hard to believe I saw them as hopeless. So many of the people who live there are full of hope and faith. There would be people who looked sad, but as soon as you smiled at them, their face would light up as they smiled back at you. While not everyone wanted to talk to us, those who did would be so open and excited to talk. They would ask questions about our lives and share their life story with us. Looking at most of them and hearing them talk, you would never guess they lived on Skid Row.
God has really been opening my eyes to the people around us. He knows them and loves them and each one is precious to Him. There are so many misconceptions about people because of how they look or how they live or where they have ended up. But really, we are all so similar. We all need God to save us. We need Him to guide us and we are all hopeless without Him.
As well as opening my eyes to the people around me and how God sees them, He has been opening my eyes to what His plan is for me. When I would try going up to people and just start a conversation, I felt drained and uncomfortable, but serving in the kitchens, I felt full and energized. I had so much fun working next to my teammates and the other volunteers, and it was easy for me to smile and make small talk with the people we were serving and working with. Even though I was physically tired and sore, my spirits were flying. I praise God for giving me this opportunity to have my eyes opened to my own gifts and talents, and to the gifts of the people around me.