This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

“Therefore, keep up your courage, men, for I believe God that it will turn exactly as I have been told.” - Acts 27:25
Paul spoke those words to a group of men who were fearful about the travel predicament that they were. In the midst of a wicked storm that threatened their lives, they were on the verge of despair when Paul stood in their midst and offered words of encouragement and faith.
Our journey to Haiti has hit a travel snafu. What we originally assumed and planned for did not pan out. A delayed flight in Fresno, a re-route to Orlando instead of Miami and finally arriving in Miami only to stand and watch our originally flight detach from the tarmac without us. We were pretty discouraged. When the airlines told us they didn’t have any seats leaving for Haiti for almost 10 days, a sense of dread set in.
We were faced with a travel predicament of giant proportions. We had to rely only on the prayers of hundreds back in Fresno and the hope that we would get seats on standby. But we believed God had guided this entire process and that He would make a way for us to get to Haiti. We believed God would turn it out exactly the way He wanted it to. We did not lose faith; we did not despair. We trusted God and leaned into the prayer support of family and friends.
And now we find ourselves in Port-au-Prince, with a full stomach and good night’s sleep, and we are ready for a day of travel to Pignon. Our men’s conference has been delayed a day. We still have a money gram issue to sort out. Our luggage is somewhere between Miami and Haiti.Things are not as planned. But we are here and we're grateful for our experiences so far, and excited about what is come. We share in the sacred history of our forefathers who relied on God to provide for their every need. He will provide for us as well. To God be the glory.