This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

Over the past few months, we have been working and praying hard to prepare for our trip to Haiti in July. We have had many meetings, trainings, and fundraisers of all sorts and have learned lots about each other in the process. We learned about each other’s passions and giftings as we prepared to help run a VBS for children in Haiti. I know I speak for the whole team when I say that we were so excited to be a part of what the Lord is doing there. However, we recently found out that He had different plans for our team this summer.
Sometime in May, a mosquito-borne virus called Chikungunya was discovered in Haiti and has since spread throughout the region. There have been thousands of reported cases, and there is no vaccine for combating the issue. Thankfully, the virus is rarely fatal, but symptoms of fevers and joint pain can last for a few months. Due to the widespread outbreak, Christian Friendship Ministries (the organization we were partnering with) has cancelled all trips to Haiti for this summer. Please pray for Haiti and everyone that has been affected by this virus, and that God, who is the Ultimate Healer, would be even more near.
Our team received the news last week and it was definitely upsetting and frustrating. We had an emergency meeting to discuss how we would move forward. We were given a few options. One option, and the one we have prayerfully accepted, is to go to Guatemala with Students International. There are various needs that we will be able to help with, including but not limited to education, health care, veterinary, microfinance, and carpentry. We are so thankful for this opportunity and are excited to see how God is at work in Guatemala!
I know I speak for the whole team when I say that our hearts are definitely in Haiti, but we also know that we serve a God who is God of all nations! It has been a sweet experience to walk alongside a team that is so willing to say yes to Jesus and follow him wherever he would lead us. Scripture has come to life even more in this experience. How true is it that we can make any plan we want, but the Lord establishes our steps?!
Please continue to pray for Haiti and also for our team as we make this transition and restart preparations. Pray also for those in Guatemala. That the Lord would prepare the minds and hearts of the people we go to serve. And pray also that the Lord would work in our team and prepare us to be a part of what he’s already doing. Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and constant prayer!