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We are not what you would call a traditional family. My husband (Stephen) and I have both been married and divorced, with this being a second marriage for us both. Having made the decision to not have biological children together, we had wondered if there was something sort of missing. Our household is busy, with two working parents raising my two teenage children. However, we wondered if God might be calling us to bring more children into our life, especially since Stephen had never had the opportunity to be a father.
For months we prayed about the possibilities and had numerous discussions. It seemed as if we were never quite on the same page. One week Stephen would be experiencing a strong pull toward adoption while I was having serious doubts and reservations, and then the next week the whole thing would be reversed. We agreed to continue to pray and be proactive about learning more of the process, as well as about opportunities for helping children right here in our city. We read information about local adoption agencies and went to a couple events for more information. Then one Sunday at church, we saw a video about Safe Families, a movement in which churches come alongside parents in need by providing resources, expertise and friendship.
Neither of us had ever heard of Safe Families or even knew something like this existed. We knew about foster care, but this was different. This was a way to come alongside children and their parents, and possibly work toward helping a family toward restoration. We were drawn to Safe Families because of the opportunity to have a direct impact on children and families in crisis—families needing to be shown the love of Christ right here in our city. It was also appealing since we knew we were not ready to commit to the long-term aspects of adoption.
We have been blessed. We have a strong marriage, a happy household and good jobs. As Christians we understand that these are gifts from the Lord, and He has placed the desire on our hearts to share of our time, talents and treasures with those in need. We both work in health care, and on an almost daily basis we see hurting families—families who so desperately need to be shown the love of Christ. There is work to be done in the Kingdom, and Safe Families has been the perfect opportunity to be a small part of Kingdom work.
As “Family Friends” we have been able to assist host families with resources, such as clothing and shoes. We have also been able to take a more hands-on approach by assisting with after-school pickup and babysitting for host families. One of our experiences involved picking up two children from school and keeping them entertained for the afternoon. What a fun and rewarding few hours! God was present. Having never met these children, we were anxious about how our time would go. Would the kids be scared or angry? Would they behave? Would we know what to say to them?
In those few hours together we were able to laugh with and love on these two children who were bravely navigating the challenges of temporary separation from their family. We got to talk to them about God, church and family—hopefully planting seeds for the Kingdom. God brought a peace and a calm that allowed us to put aside the busyness of our everyday lives and to be present in those moments. While the kids asked us questions, acted silly and snacked on the Chick-fil-A that we shared, we exchanged glances and smiles. Our hearts were full because we knew God had us right where He wanted us. The kids were comfortable and joyful, even at a time of crisis within their family. During these few hours, we were also able to provide some respite care for the host family, who had already taken on so much bringing these children into their home. What a blessing for all of us!
Safe Families has been so rewarding for us as a couple. It is a reminder, not only of how much God has given us, but also of our call as Christians to care for those in need and to spread the love of Jesus to those around us. As this program grows within The Well, it’s our hope to be blessed with more opportunities to assist host families with resources and babysitting, as well as emotional and spiritual support. There are numerous ways to get involved, and it falls right in line with our church’s call to “Be the Church.”
What a blessing it is to play a small role in changing lives right here in our city! If you are uncertain of how you can help, wondering if you have enough time, or even whether you know how to act around hurting children, please trust that God will ease these fears, and He will provide the means. We truly just have to show up.
Want to learn more about how to get involved with Safe Families through The Well? Email Natalie Zook (