This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

The Haiti team has met three times now! We have already learned so much about what to expect this summer and we are having a blast learning about each other in the process. Each time we meet we cover a variety of topics and hear testimonies about how God is moving in Haiti. With each meeting our excitement builds. We still have a lot prayer and preparation before we leave. I'm sure the road ahead promises to be filled with lots of laughter and relying on Jesus.
Our team consists of twelve members, including our two wonderful leaders. We are all gifted in different ways and driven by individual, God-given motivations for heading to Haiti this July. It has been beautiful to see the way the Lord is using all of us to build each other up and encourage one another in all things related to the trip, especially since for most of us it will be our first time overseas. The Lord is teaching us the importance of spending time getting to know each other, praying together, and studying the Word as a team.
During our last meeting we studied the truth that God is a sender. When looking through the Old and New Testaments, this character trait of God is widespread. The Israelites were sent into the Promised Land to bring Him glory. The disciples were sent throughout the known world to proclaim the gospel. In the same manner, we are also sent today. In the end of Matthew 28, Jesus commissions believers to go and make disciples of all nations. In Christ we have the authority and opportunity to present the truth of the gospel to the nations. This gospel transcends barriers, cultures, and classes. We are sent to proclaim that gospel to the world in truth and love.
God is working in and through the Haiti team and we can’t wait to see what the next few months will bring!