This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

“Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:17-18
We are three months away from heading out to Jordan to work with the Syrian refugees who have lost everything in the war. As we prepare for the trip and get to know our team, we are praying and diving deep into God’s Word.
This year has been a special year for me. I have come to realize that studying the Bible is only half of what God calls us to do in our relationship with Him. The second piece is to share what I have learned to others “as I am going.” The opportunity to go to Jordan has allowed me to share what we are doing and why we are going to Christians and non-Christians alike – before we even set foot in Jordan. Already the gospel is being shared, and I am SO excited to see how else God is going to be using us!
We will be serving the people of Jordan – by handing out blankets, food, clothes, etc. – and stopping and listening to their stories and what they have been through. Some refugees have been there since 2001, and more come over every day.
Our team’s prayer is that we will be quiet and listen to them, and be a light of encouragement while working with them so that Christ can shine through us. I am reminded that Jesus came to the world to be a servant to us – and we are to be like Jesus.
Jesus has called each of us to be sent into the world – and even though all places pose some risk, we need to stop and think about what Jesus did for EACH and EVERY one of us.
- Ashley Ross