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We began our day with a 4:00 a.m. wake-up alarm and were dressed and on our way at 4:30. Our destination was the tiny Outpost meeting in the village of Bouyaja (pronounced Boo-ya-ha). Our hope was to arrive there by 6:00 a.m. and worship with the small, but faithful, gathering of believers. We learned that there are as many as twenty such Outposts that gather and are connected to the home church in Pignon. There was some concern and anxiety that we would even make it there because of the heavy rain from the previous day and the depth of mud that would make it inaccessible.
Thankfully after some skilled driving and much prayer we were able to arrive safely. It was still dark as we made our way to the meeting location. There were three benches, some plastic chairs, and some wooden handmade chairs. We sat outside a home and the call to worship was given by the host to the village by a loud beating of a pot to announce we were starting. Night was slowly giving way to daylight as the people began to gather in the coolness of the morning. It was the same as what we would experience in a Life Group setting back home.
The simplicity and authenticity of people gathering to open the Word, sing, and fellowship together in a home setting. A couple of the men led the meeting by reading from scripture, singing hymns, teaching a memory verse, and proclaiming the faithfulness of God. One of the men wore a sportscoat that was faded and worn but gave him a distinguished appearance that went well with his graying head of hair. There were chickens roaming through the meeting, children crying, visitors from the street peering in, and a thick cake of mud on every shoe.
It is amazing to me to think about how the Good News of the Gospel, that began in a manger in Bethlehem, has spread to some of the most remote parts of the Earth. It is evident to me that God desires that all hear and receive his most wonderful gift of love. One day, God will gather all that are His and the faithful of Bouyaja will be there together with us. What an assembly that will be! So thankful that God loved the whole world.