This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

The Haitian people are not timely, that is for sure! And today, it was driving some of us punctual Americans crazy. This is just another “fun” cultural difference that I am choosing not to expand on because it would only convict me more of my “American-ness.” The men’s conference began today. We were not sure how many men to expect but had prepared about 100 packets that included a Bible, a “Serve Dei” T-shirt, and paper and pens for note taking. It took a while for the men to show up, as they were coming from all over. Some of the men walked over two hours to get here, in the heat of the day and carrying a suitcase full of clothes and supplies for the week. How many Americans would commit to this? In all honesty, I don’t think I would have (again – convicting). Toward the end of the day, all the men had arrived and we ended up distributing all of the packets that we had brought (praise God – this is a huge answer to prayer). This was considered a great success and a wonderful beginning to the conference. Now, let’s sit back and watch what God does with all these men!
My highlight for this first day of the conference was during Chris Schultz’ talk about the Anatomy of a Disciple. At one point, Chris was talking about how, as disciples, we need to be like Jesus. Chris described how Jesus was sacrificial in his life and in his ministry, even to the point of death; that he sacrificially gave his life for sinners. At this moment, in the corner of my eye I noticed an old man look to the heavens, close his fist, and beat his chest softly. This man knew the sacrifice that Jesus made for his soul. And he was aware and thankful for it. This is why we are here! I pray that all the men understand this sacrifice like this old man did. I pray that this is at the forefront of my mind every day of my life and that it determines my decisions and guides my life.
Well, day one of the men’s conference is over. Our team is extremely excited to see what God has in store for us over the next few days. There are many great men here that have been Christians longer than I have been alive, and there are also many younger men who probably have not committed their lives as of yet. I thank God for the faithful brothers here in Haiti. And I pray that God shakes the younger men to make the most important and rewarding commitment of their lives. I pray that their hearts are truly transformed this week.