This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

In 1947 Oren and Arshallos Bell arrived in Haiti with $600.00 to their names and a desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a group of people in Northern Haiti. 65 years later, a group of people gathered in my home, none of whom had ever known the Bells; some had never heard of the Bells until that night. And yet there we were, packing and praying and getting ready to send a team to Haiti to carry on the work of the Bells in furthering the Gospel.
It brought tears to some of our eyes to recognize how Sovereign God is, how he works and continues to work when His people faithfully respond to what He is calling. Today John Lynch, Sam Babcock, and I embark on a trip to Haiti to connect with the Bell’s grandson, Ericlee Gilmore, who now serves as the Director of Christian Friendship Ministries, helping the people of Northern Haiti.
Our purpose in going is to host a men’s conference which is based upon the Anatomy of a Disciple (AOD), a tool we created at The Well to help people intentionally become more like Jesus. We have translated the AOD stuff into French and Creole in order to create clarity and understanding for the Haitian men. We have raised funds to purchase 100 Creole Bibles that will be supplied to them. We will be teaching and interacting with men from different areas of Northern Haiti in helping equip them to lead their family, churches, and communities.
While we go to share and to teach, more than anything else we go to learn and be changed. While there is much to give, there is just as much to receive and we go with a humble spirit. The kingdom of God is so much bigger than America, or Fresno, or The Well. It encompasses every nation, tribe, language, and people and we go to be a part of something so much bigger than ourselves. In doing so, we are confident that God will do a good work for all those involved.
Please pray that our trip would bring honor and glory to God and that it would bear fruit in the ways it needs to.