This article was imported from our previous website, which many have broken some of the content. We apologize in advance for any strange formatting or broken links you may find.

I’ve been on over a dozen short-term international trips, and am about to embark on a third Exposure Trip with The Well. You would probably think at this point I would be used to seeing how God provides for those who step out in faith to serve Him. That I would be able to confidently pray knowing how God will come through in a way only He can. You would be wrong. God somehow still surprises me with how He hears our prayers and exceeds what I foolishly would call lofty expectations. Preparing for this trip has been no different and is best exemplified through one of our team fundraisers.
We decided to do a garage sale to help raise funds, and to be honest I wasn’t very excited about it. We didn’t spend a ton of time collecting things to sell, and the one I had done the year before only raised about $150. Definitely better than nothing, but it’s a lot of work and an early morning to split that amount 15 ways. Of course, the morning of the yard sale there was a heavy rain that completely flooded the street as we began to set up at 5am. I was feeling discouraged, and a member of our team reminded us that God is bigger than a little rain, and we are trying to do His work, so we prayed.
I remember being convicted by this statement, and I prayed that God would change my heart and at least match the amount we had raised the year before. The rain lightened up as the morning went on and finally cleared up toward the end of our time. I collected the money from the team afterward and realized we had raised over $700! Of course we did.
We are continuing to learn how God desires for us to rely on Him and call out to Him. When we rely on Him and are seeking to serve Him, He blesses us far more abundantly than we could ever ask or imagine. We are excited to see what that looks like during our trip this month, and I pray someday I’ll stop being surprised, but continue to remain in awe of the Lord’s grace.