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Hello! Today we started out at the school "Jungle Kids for Christ" doing construction. Four of us, Todd, Jason, Jonah, and I were moving rocks for the foundation for concrete. Others had to move a bookshelf and walls. Two of our team members were putting up screens and by the time they were done they were told they did it wrong and had to take them off and redo the whole thing. Later in the day we did VBS in a community named Shiripuno. We told and acted the story of David and Goliath. Even though most of us couldn’t communicate with them we could just see the excitement and happiness in their facial expressions. When Jeremiah, Jason, and I played soccer with these three older kids you could tell, even if they didn’t express it, that they enjoyed playing soccer with other kids their age. We ended the day with an amazing dinner. After that we listened to Kari’s (a missionary who works with Jungle kids for Christ) wonderful and moving testimony, amazing worship with Andrew, and debrief with a listening activity that brought us out of our shell.
Jacob Vander Beek, for WSM Ecuador